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Monday, November 22, 2010

Stone Soup

This year, we started a new Thanksgiving tradition at COLCM--we decided to get together and make a soup, very similar to the one in the story "Stone Soup", retold by Heather Forest. Of course we read the story leading up to making the soup, and the children wanted to make sure we included the vegetables that were listed in the story. We spent the end of the morning getting ready to make the soup. We...
peeled carrots,

and sliced carrots,


and squash.
Here is our lovely combination of potatoes, zucchini, carrots, squash and garlic
After adding the diced tomatoes, it was time to stir it all together.

Then we added vegetable broth to our vegetables.

Every child in our casa was delighted to help with the peeling, slicing and mixing. Even though the final product was a little heavy on the Balsamic Vinegar (maybe we'll measure it next time), the children were thrilled to eat something that they had made all by themselves. One child in particular would ask me daily if we were going to have carrots in the soup, because he was both thankful for carrots and just simply loves them! If you really want your children to eat vegetables and foods that are healthy for them, involve them as much as you can in creating the meal or snack. :)

The recipe which we loosely followed, is from a wonderful blog called the "Gluten Free Goddess".