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Wednesday, April 13, 2011


 A few week ago the toddlers planted some peas in the old sandbox we converted to a raised bed.

 The seeds were so tiny, and it was interesting to see that they looked like actual peas!
 One of the reasons I wanted to plant peas is because I heard they were easy to grow. To be honest, I wasn't sure if these seeds were going to sprout. Eight toddlers digging and walking all over the rows didn't seem to hurt them though......
 When we came back from spring break - we were astonished to see how big the peas had gotten in 2 short weeks!

 Soon we'll be staking them up - stay tuned to see how they continue to grow!
 The peas were doing so well we decided to go ahead and plant these cherry tomato and banana plants generously started for us by one of our board members.
 Digging in the dirt was really fun, and we were surprised to find some big roots in the bed.

 We're looking forward to a yummy harvest this summer!

Attempting a group shot...Didn't get the shot but we all had fun!