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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Garden Day!

Loving the new child-sized wheelbarrows!
On Friday October 8, we had our fall garden day and it was a huge success!! Thank you to all of the wonderful parents, children and staff that helped to get our garden ready for the new season. We were amazed at the amount of plants that were shared with us--raspberry and blueberry bushes, rosemary, thyme, lavender, kale, swiss chard, ornamental lettuce, baby carrots, mums, and pansies-- just to name a few.
Getting ready to move the dirt for our new garden bed
Hard at work!

Deciding on which plants to start planting first


Our new garden bed
 “The land is where our roots are, the children must be taught to feel and live in harmony with the earth.”

–Maria Montessori