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Friday, October 1, 2010

"Help me do it by myself"

Last night at our parent ed, we talked about how the work of practical life, or family life, helps support healthy independence and growth in young children. Children are capable of so much more than we think as long as give them the right tools and a supportive environment to accomplish what they choose to do.
C. arranging flowers

A.C. working on fine motor skills

C. and A.C. washing their snack dishes

When a child is having trouble with a task and needs help we try to give her 'just enough' help to still allow her to accomplish the task independently. You saw a great example of this last night in the movie clip where Edison's mom was helping him dress and undress. Sometimes just a little pull or hold of the fabric is all the child needs.

 When children are faced with a challenge it can be hard to stand back and watch, especially if your child starts to get upset. When anger and frustration set in, how can we help without making the child feel discouraged?
A.F. peeling a banana for snack
 First, try making an empathetic statement like, "It sure is frustrating when you can't (insert action here) by yourself. I get upset when I have trouble doing things too."
E. slicing a banana - he is using a 'crinkle cutter' great for cutting all kinds of fruits and veggies
If empathy isn't working, offer encouragement or suggestions. For example "You're almost there!" or "What would happen if you stood up to pull up your pants?" Gentle suggestions make him feel supported, not criticized.

 Finally, if he is still having trouble you can slowly demonstrate what to do, putting your hands over his if necessary; or doing it then undoing it and allowing him to try.
 For toddlers, learning to complete tasks independently is an innate developmental need. "ME do it!" is an often heard refrain in homes with little ones. Try to build enough time into your daily routines to allow your child to do things like feed himself, put on his shoes and coat, climb into his car seat, and undress before bath time. Even though it takes longer at first, the rewards are well worth it!

Music Time!

E. and G. gardening

E. has grown so much this past year! We'll miss him when he moves to primary next week. Congrats, Ev!